13 February 2008


We all have a beginning, a place where we started our journeys. A launching point for the voyage through life. For some, that means being born into the lap of luxury, while other struggle to keep their heads above the proverbial tide waters of welfare. Inevitably people are defined by their birth status. As we grow up and go through grade school and middle school we are defined by the clothes we wear, the way we talk, and which side of the tracks we live. At some point most of us get a chance to start over with a clean slate, whether it be the result of a move or sudden change in economic standing. We must make the most of the chances we are given. We cannot allow ourselves be defined by destiny. Meaning I am not defined by my father or his father before him, but rather we should be defined by the gravity of our own decisions and our own merits.
The picture for this entry is of The Cavern in Liverpool, England. Some may know that this is one of the first places that The Beatles began their legendary trip into rock fame. Four guys from an industrial city rise above their surroundings. They overcame the gravity of the city and its certain occupations. Liverpool itself is an interesting city. In its prime it was a ship building powerhouse. It was also the departure point of many people coming to America, searching for new starts. How mind blowing is that? Getting on a ship with all you own, setting off to a land you’ve probably never seen before in the hopes you can create a better life for yourself and your family, or the family yet to come.
In many ways this blog is a beginning. Number one. Its the start of a series. Maybe something big will come out it, but thats not the purpose. The purpose is to document my journey, and to welcome the comments and observation of others also embarking on their own journeys. Feel free to email your stories to me.

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